Love what you do, or don’t do it at all. Seriously.


Here’s another example of the Beauty of America, and why I fall in love with the land I migrated to (over half my life ago) every single day.

Everywhere you look (or watch, if you will, in this case), there’s talented folks doing real cool stuff, doing what they really enjoy doing.

On a late Sunday evening, I stumbled into this video, and for someone who owns “tools” worth all of $25 bought from Lowe’s several years ago (and can hardly tell a wrench from a spanner), this was an interesting video for a few reasons.

  • The production quality is immaculate.
  • There is an element of humor in it.
  • Everyone in the video is enjoying what they are doing.
  • All of them surely know what they are doing.
  • And they are also doing one of the most honorable things there is: Teaching (not to mention, without being judgmental about the knowledge level of their watchers).

Thanks to Germany as well (looks like the chainsaw is imported from there!).

#snowpal #projectmanagement #lovewhatyoudo

Now, you may ask — what in the world does this have to do with

And to that, I would reply by saying:

  • We love what we do at Snowpal.
  • We try to improve upon ourselves every single day.
  • We are passionate about what we do.
  • We certainly have an element of humor, I think. (If you want proof, check out our really “creative” promotional videos!).
  • We try to teach what we know.
  • Last but not least, we have a great product that we pride ourselves upon!



Krish @ |

I am a Software Developer and Architect, and run the engineering team at Snowpal. Subscribe to our APIs to reduce time to market for your web & mobile apps.